253+ Funny Friday Quotes And Images, Wishes, Messages

“It’s Friday, and you can finally give your brain a rest after a week of pretending to be productive.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally give your brain a rest after a week of pretending to be productive.”

“Friday: The day when your boss is just as excited for the weekend as you are (they just won’t admit it).”

“Friday: The day when your boss is just as excited for the weekend as you are (they just won’t admit it).”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally stop pretending to care about your job and start pretending to care about your weekend plans.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally stop pretending to care about your job and start pretending to care about your weekend plans.”

“It’s Friday, and you’re one step closer to making your dreams of doing absolutely nothing a reality.”

“It’s Friday, and you’re one step closer to making your dreams of doing absolutely nothing a reality.”

“Friday: The day when the weekend starts to feel like a reality instead of a distant dream.”

“Friday: The day when the weekend starts to feel like a reality instead of a distant dream.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally answer the question ‘What are you doing this weekend?’ with something other than ‘Nothing’.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally answer the question ‘What are you doing this weekend?’ with something other than ‘Nothing’.”

“Friday: The day when your to-do list becomes a suggestion instead of a mandate.”

“Friday: The day when your to-do list becomes a suggestion instead of a mandate.”

“It’s Friday, and you’re one step closer to becoming the weekend warrior you were meant to be.”

“It’s Friday, and you’re one step closer to becoming the weekend warrior you were meant to be.”

“Friday: The day when the clock moves slower than a sloth on a Sunday afternoon.”

“Friday: The day when the clock moves slower than a sloth on a Sunday afternoon.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally let your hair down (or up, depending on how wild you want to get).”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally let your hair down (or up, depending on how wild you want to get).”

“Friday: The day when your inbox is full of memes instead of work emails.”

“Friday: The day when your inbox is full of memes instead of work emails.”

“It’s Friday, and you know what that means – time to do the ‘happy dance’ in your office chair.”

“It’s Friday, and you know what that means time to do the ‘happy dance’ in your office chair.”

“I love Fridays so much I’d marry them if I could. Sorry, Saturdays, you’re great and all, but you just don’t have that ‘end-of-the-week’ charm.”

"I love Fridays so much I'd marry them if I could. Sorry, Saturdays, you're great and all, but you just don't have that 'end-of-the-week' charm."

“Friday is the golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend!”

"Friday is the golden child of the weekdays. The superhero of the workweek. The welcome wagon to the weekend!"

“Dear Friday, I’m so glad we are back together. I’m sorry you had to see me with Monday

"Dear Friday, I'm so glad we are back together. I'm sorry you had to see me with Monday Thursday, but I swear I was thinking of you the whole time!"

“Friday: the day where the phrase ‘out of the frying pan, into the weekend’ actually sounds appealing.”

"Friday: the day where the phrase 'out of the frying pan, into the weekend' actually sounds appealing."

“If Friday had a face, I would give it a big, sloppy kiss!”

"If Friday had a face, I would give it a big, sloppy kiss!"

“I have a strict policy: never work on a Friday unless it’s absolutely necessary… and it’s never necessary.”

"I have a strict policy: never work on a Friday unless it's absolutely necessary... and it's never necessary."

“Friday: the only day of the week where it’s acceptable to dance around the office like

"Friday: the only day of the week where it's acceptable to dance around the office like nobody's watching... because nobody is."

“I’m not saying I hate Mondays, but they’re definitely the Voldemort of weekdays. Friday, on the other hand, is like Harry Potter the chosen one!”

"I'm not saying I hate Mondays, but they're definitely the Voldemort of weekdays. Friday, on the other hand, is like Harry Potter the chosen one!"

“I haven’t been this excited about Friday since last Friday!”

"I haven't been this excited about Friday since last Friday!"

“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day from the villainous clutches of Monday!”

"Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day from the villainous clutches of Monday!"

“On Fridays, we wear our most comfortable (and most questionable) clothes.”

“On Fridays, we wear our most comfortable (and most questionable) clothes.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally indulge in your guilty pleasure of binge-watching your favorite TV show without feeling guilty.”

“It’s Friday, and you can finally indulge in your guilty pleasure of binge-watching your favorite TV show without feeling guilty.”

“Friday: The day when you can finally wear your pajamas to work and call it ‘casual Friday’.”

“Friday: The day when you can finally wear your pajamas to work and call it ‘casual Friday’.”

“It’s Friday, and the only thing standing between you and the weekend is a few hours of pretending to be productive.”

“It’s Friday, and the only thing standing between you and the weekend is a few hours of pretending to be productive.”

“Friday: The day when you can finally stop pretending to work and start pretending to have a life.”

“Friday: The day when you can finally stop pretending to work and start pretending to have a life.”

“Keep calm, it’s Friday! Just don’t keep calm for too long, or you might fall asleep at your desk.”

“Keep calm, it’s Friday! Just don’t keep calm for too long, or you might fall asleep at your desk.”

“Friday: The only day of the week where you have a legitimate excuse to be in a constant state of happiness.”

“Friday: The only day of the week where you have a legitimate excuse to be in a constant state of happiness.”

“Friday: The day when even your coffee is motivated to get you through the day.”

“Friday: The day when even your coffee is motivated to get you through the day.”

“Good morning, Friday! I’m so happy to see you, I might just break out into a song and dance routine (but don’t count on it).”

“Good morning, Friday! I’m so happy to see you, I might just break out into a song and dance routine (but don’t count on it).”

“Good morning, Friday! I hope you’re ready for me, because I’m ready for you

“Good morning, Friday! I hope you’re ready for me, because I’m ready for you (and a whole lot of caffeine).”

“Good morning, Friday! I’m so excited to see you, I might just do a cartwheel out of bed.”

“Good morning, Friday! I’m so excited to see you, I might just do a cartwheel out of bed.”

“Good morning, Friday! Time to wake up and smell the coffee…or maybe something a little stronger.”

“Good morning, Friday! Time to wake up and smell the coffee…or maybe something a little stronger.”

“Good morning, Friday! You couldn’t come fast enough – I’m pretty sure I saw Tuesday stealing my soul.”

“Good morning, Friday! You couldn’t come fast enough I’m pretty sure I saw Tuesday stealing my soul.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the oasis in the desert of life – I look forward to you all week.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the oasis in the desert of life I look forward to you all week.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally catch up on all the Netflix shows I’ve been neglecting.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally catch up on all the Netflix shows I’ve been neglecting.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a holiday that comes every week – thank you for your service.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a holiday that comes every week thank you for your service.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the perfect day to do something spontaneous and crazy.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the perfect day to do something spontaneous and crazy.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the cool kid in school that everyone wants to be friends with.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the cool kid in school that everyone wants to be friends with.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally drink my coffee without feeling

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally drink my coffee without feeling guilty about procrastinating.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can finally see the weekend.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the light at the end of the tunnel, and I can finally see the weekend.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a breath of fresh air I can finally breathe easy again.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a breath of fresh air I can finally breathe easy again.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally stop pretending to be a responsible adult.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the day when I can finally stop pretending to be a responsible adult.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the perfect day to wear my ‘I don’t care’ attitude with pride.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the perfect day to wear my ‘I don’t care’ attitude with pride.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the weekend’s opening act – keep the good times rolling!”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like the weekend’s opening act keep the good times rolling!”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the reason I tolerate Mondays through Thursdays.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the reason I tolerate Mondays through Thursdays.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a cheat day for my diet – I look forward to you all week.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a cheat day for my diet I look forward to you all week.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the best day of the week, except for Saturday and Sunday, of course.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re the best day of the week, except for Saturday and Sunday, of course.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a superhero, but instead of fighting crime, you make me feel alive.”

“Good morning, Friday! You’re like a superhero, but instead of fighting crime, you make me feel alive.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my two days off stressing about all the work I’ll have to do on Monday.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my two days off stressing about all the work I’ll have to do on Monday.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally put on my happy face and pretend that I’m not miserable.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally put on my happy face and pretend that I’m not miserable.”

“On Fridays, I love to wear my ‘I’m just here for the paycheck’ shirt.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my time off worrying about how I’m wasting my life.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally pretend that my life has meaning.”

“On Fridays, I like to celebrate the fact that I made it through another week of pretending

“On Fridays, I like to celebrate the fact that I made it through another week of pretending to be a functional adult.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my two days off overthinking everything.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally procrastinate without feeling guilty.”

“On Fridays, I like to wear my sunglasses indoors to hide the fact that I’m dead inside.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my time off stressing about all the work I didn’t finish.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my time off stressing about all the work I didn’t finish.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally start drinking at noon without judgment.”

“On Fridays, I like to pretend that I’m excited about the weekend, but really I’m just excited for Monday to be over.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can finally catch up on all the work I didn’t do during the week.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally wear my ‘I don’t care’ attitude with pride.”

“Friday: the day when I can finally wear my ‘I don’t care’ attitude with pride.”

“On Fridays, I love to start my day with a strong cup of coffee and a strong dose of sarcasm.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my time off dreading Monday instead of working.”

“Friday: the day when I’m one step closer to death, but at least it’s the weekend.”

“On Fridays, I love pretending that I have a life outside of work.”

“On Fridays, I love pretending that I have a life outside of work.”

“Thank God it’s Friday now I can spend my two days off worrying about work on Monday.”

“Friday: the day when I pretend to care about everyone’s weekend plans.”

“Friday is the day I become an expert in ‘weekendology.”

“Friday is the day I start my weekend diet. It’s called ‘no-diet.’”

“Friday is the day I start my weekend diet. It’s called ‘no-diet.”

“I don’t need a GPS on Fridays; my heart knows the way to the weekend.”

“Friday: The day I contemplate the deep questions like, ‘Do I want ice cream or pizza for dinner?”

“Friday: The day I officially switch from ‘adulting’ to ‘adolescenting.”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘we’ in ‘weekend.’”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘we’ in ‘weekend.”

“On Fridays, I’m a ‘professional relaxologist.”

“Friday: The day when I can finally stop pretending to look busy at work.”

“If Friday had a personality, it would be a combination of ‘party animal’ and ‘couch potato.”

“I may not be a morning person, but I’m definitely a ‘Friday’ person!”

“I may not be a morning person, but I’m definitely a ‘Friday’ person!”

“Friday is the day I try to remember what I did all week… and then forget it because it’s the weekend!”

“Friday: The day I make ‘working hard’ look like ‘hardly working.'”

“I’ve got 99 problems, but Friday just solved 98 of them.”

“Friday is the day I look at the clock and wonder, ‘Is it too early for a nap?’”

“Friday is the day I look at the clock and wonder, ‘Is it too early for a nap?'”

“My boss asked me if I had any plans for the weekend on a Friday. I said, ‘Yes, avoiding work.”

“I’m not saying I’m a superhero, but on Fridays, I can make the clock’s hands move faster.”

“Friday is the day I excel at ‘multi-slacking’ instead of multitasking.”

“My computer asked me if I wanted to ‘save changes’ on a Friday. I said no; it’s the weekend’s problem now.”

“My computer asked me if I wanted to ‘save changes’ on a Friday. I said no; it’s the weekend’s problem now.”

“Friday: The only day I’m allowed to talk to myself at work without judgment.”

“Friday: The day when ‘caffeine’ and ‘daydream’ form a powerful alliance.”

“Weekend forecast: Lazy mornings, followed by scattered naps, and a 99% chance of fun!”

“I’m not saying I’m a weekend warrior, but I’ve been training for Friday all week.”

“I’m not saying I’m a weekend warrior, but I’ve been training for Friday all week.”

“If Friday had a theme song, it would be ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ by Journey.”

“Friday: Because adulting can wait until Monday.”

“Friday: The day when my to-do list becomes a ‘to-don’t’ list.”

“I don’t make mistakes; I make Fridays.”

“I don’t make mistakes; I make Fridays.”

“Friday: The day I start counting down to the next weekend.”

“I waited all week for Friday, and now it’s finally here…and I’m too tired to move.”

“Coffee in one hand, weekend plans in the other it must be Friday!”

“I’m not saying I live for the weekends, but Fridays are my spirit animal.”

“I’m not saying I live for the weekends, but Fridays are my spirit animal.”

“Friday: The day when my brain switches to ‘weekend mode.'”

“My superpower? I can make time slow down on a Friday afternoon.”

“If Friday had a fan club, I’d be the president.”

“Friday: The day I become a full-time professional at pretending to work.”

“Friday: The day I become a full-time professional at pretending to work.”

“I’ve got that ‘Friday feeling’ on a Tuesday. Oops!”

“Dressed up for Friday like I’m going to meet my long-lost weekend.”

“On Fridays, I’m 100% ‘I deserve a treat’ mode.”

“Friday called. She’s bringing the party, and I’m bringing the snacks.”

“Friday called. She’s bringing the party, and I’m bringing the snacks.”

“I’m 99% sure my Friday mood can be heard from space.”

“Friday: The reason my coffee is extra excited.”

“When life gives you lemons, trade them for coffee and wait for Friday.”

“If Friday had a face, I would kiss it.”

“If Friday had a face, I would kiss it.”

“Friday is the day I officially start counting down the hours until Monday.”

“Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so close to Monday?”

“Friday is the day that reminds us to take a break from the craziness of life and just chill.”

“I’m so sad it’s Friday. I wish it was Monday again,” said no one ever.

“I’m so sad it’s Friday. I wish it was Monday again,” said no one ever.”

“Friday is the day when the office clock slows down to a crawl, and the wall clock speeds up.”

“Friday is the day when I start my weekend project: finishing all the projects I started during the week.”

“Friday is my motivation to get through the week.”

“I’m not a morning person, but if I woke up every day with the anticipation of a Friday, I’d be.”

“I’m not a morning person, but if I woke up every day with the anticipation of a Friday, I’d be.”

“I haven’t been this excited about Friday since last Friday.”

“It’s Friday! I plan on doing nothing and plenty of it.”

“If Friday were a food, it would be a ‘Fun-day Sundae’ with extra sprinkles.”

“On Fridays, the workweek is like a suitcase that you’re trying to close, and the weekend

“On Fridays, the workweek is like a suitcase that you’re trying to close, and the weekend is the overstuffed clothes you have to sit on to make it fit.”

“Friday: The day I leave my problems at the office and head straight for the weekend solutions.”

“Friday is the day I switch my car’s GPS to ‘random adventure mode.'”

“I don’t work on Fridays. I make appearances.”

“On Fridays, I’m so relaxed I could be mistaken for a sloth doing yoga.”

“On Fridays, I’m so relaxed I could be mistaken for a sloth doing yoga.”

“It’s Friday! Time to go make stories for Monday.”

“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from savagely beating one of my coworkers with a keyboard.”

“I love Fridays so much that I named my WiFi network ‘Friday.'”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘high’ in ‘high-five.’”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘high’ in ‘high-five.'”

“Friday is my favorite day of the week because it’s like a mini-vacation.”

“Friday is the day when I turn into a part-time worker and a full-time fun enthusiast.”

“The only decision you should be making on a Friday is which cocktail to have next.”

“Friday is the day when I realize my superhero power is making time slow down at work.”

“Friday is the day when I realize my superhero power is making time slow down at work.”

“I wish every day was Friday and every night was a Friday night.”

“If Friday had a personality, it would be the life of the party.”

“Why is Friday the best day for business meetings? Because no one wants to be there, so the sooner it’s over, the better.”

“Friday is the gateway drug to the weekend.”

“Friday is the gateway drug to the weekend.”

“Friday is the day I switch from ‘work mode’ to ‘weekend mode,’ which means I put on sweatpants.”

“I’m on the ‘see food’ diet. I see food, and I eat it, especially on Fridays.”

“Friday is the only day that I’m willing to say ‘Cheers!’ before noon.”

“Friday: The day where the only decision you need to make is ‘bottle or glass.’”

“Friday: The day where the only decision you need to make is ‘bottle or glass.'”

“Friday is the day I officially declare that I won’t do any work-related tasks until Monday. Then I proceed to check my work email.”

“I’m so excited about Friday that I could do a somersault… if I knew how.”

“On Fridays, my productivity is like the Bermuda Triangle things just disappear!”

“Friday is like a green light; you speed up until after work, and then you slow down for the weekend.”

“Friday is like a green light; you speed up until after work, and then you slow down for the weekend.”

“If Friday had a theme song, it would be ‘I Gotta Feeling’ by The Black Eyed Peas.”

“Friday is the day when my coffee needs coffee before I can function.”

“I love Fridays so much; I’d even be willing to have a ‘Monday’ if it meant having a ‘Friday’ right after.”

“Friday: The day I have to remind myself not to break into a happy dance at my desk…again.”

“Friday: The day I have to remind myself not to break into a happy dance at my desk…again.”

“Friday is the day I practice my ‘out of office’ stare, even when I’m still in the office.”

“If I had a dollar for every time I thought about the weekend on a Friday, I could afford to retire.”

“The word ‘Friday’ is music to my ears. It’s like my weekly theme song!”

“Friday: The day I switch my computer password to ‘weekendvibes123.’”

“Friday: The day I switch my computer password to ‘weekendvibes123.'”

“On Fridays, my office chair has a mind of its own. It keeps trying to roll toward the exit.”

“Friday is the day when I switch from ‘to-do’ lists to ‘to-do whatever I want’ lists.”

“If Friday had a catchphrase, it would be ‘TGIF: Thank Goodness I’m Fabulous!”

“Friday: The only day I can justify wearing sunglasses indoors to block out the office fluorescents.”

“Friday: The only day I can justify wearing sunglasses indoors to block out the office fluorescents.”

“Friday is the day when my coffee is so strong, it has a resume.”

“The best project I’ve ever worked on is turning Friday into FriYAY!”

“Friday: The only day I can justify wearing a tiara to work. You’re welcome, coworkers!”

“Friday is the day I count my blessings… and the minutes until the weekend starts.”

“Friday is the day I count my blessings… and the minutes until the weekend starts.”

“If Friday had a face, it would look a lot like my ‘finally finished with work’ face.”

“Friday: The day I switch my coffee to decaf and pretend I’m normal.”

“Friday is the only day of the week where ‘wine’ and ‘win’ share the same letters. Coincidence? I think not.”

“On Fridays, my coffee is recreational, not just for survival.”

“On Fridays, my coffee is recreational, not just for survival.”

“Friday is the day we all become amateur meteorologists, predicting a 100% chance of ‘happy hour’ in the evening.”

“Friday: The day I officially declare as ‘Pajama Suit Friday’ at work.”

“The best work happens on Fridays when you pretend to be busy until the boss leaves.”

“Friday: The day I switch from spreadsheets to bed sheets.”

“Friday: The day I switch from spreadsheets to bed sheets.”

“Friday is the day we discover how many things are ‘urgent’ until Monday.”

“Friday is the day I finally put the ‘out of office’ message on my brain.”

“I have a condition called ‘I can’t work on Fridays,’ but don’t worry, it’s not contagious.”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘pro’ in ‘procrastination.”

“Friday is the day I put the ‘pro’ in ‘procrastination.”

“Friday is the day we count down to 5 PM in dog years.”

“I can’t wait for Monday, said no one in the office on Friday.”

“I’m not saying I’m the office superhero, but have you ever seen me and Friday in the same room together?”

“If Friday had a signature color, it would definitely be ‘casual.’”

“If Friday had a signature color, it would definitely be ‘casual.'”

“Friday: The day I can finally close all the 100 tabs I opened this week.”

“On Fridays, I’m the office optimist. I actually believe the copier is going to work.”

“Friday is my second favorite ‘F’ word. It’s right after ‘feedback.'”

“Friday: Where deadlines and punchlines collide!”

“Friday: Where deadlines and punchlines collide!”

“On Fridays, we measure success by the decibels of laughter in the office!”

“Friday: The superhero that saves us from the boredom of spreadsheets!”

“Inhale coffee, exhale humor. It’s Friday at the office!”

“TGIF: Thank Goodness It’s Funny!”

“TGIF: Thank Goodness It’s Funny!”

“It’s Friday, so let’s file those reports…in the ‘Fun’ folder!”

“Friday: The only day when ‘LOL’ doesn’t mean ‘Lots of Emails.'”

“Friday is the day I count how many cups of coffee it takes to get through the week.”

“I’m not addicted to coffee; we’re just in a committed relationship until Friday is over.”

“I’m not addicted to coffee; we’re just in a committed relationship until Friday is over.”

“Friday: The day that’s only two days away from being Monday again.”

“Friday called. She’s on her way, and she’s bringing the pizza.”

“If Friday had a face, I’d give it a high-five!”

“Friday is my second favorite F-word. My first is ‘food.’ Definitely, food.”

“Friday is my second favorite F-word. My first is ‘food.’ Definitely, food.”

“Why is Monday so far from Friday, and Friday so near to Monday?”

“It’s Friday! Time to put on your positive pants.”

“Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to save the day!”

“I haven’t been this excited about Friday since last Friday.”

“I haven’t been this excited about Friday since last Friday.”

“Wishing you a weekend that feels as long as Monday’s to-do list.”

“Friday is my favorite day to overuse exclamation points!!!”

“Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”

“On Fridays, I prefer my coffee in a martini.”

“On Fridays, I prefer my coffee in a martini.”

“If Friday had a flavor, it would definitely be a margarita.”

“Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.”

“It’s Friday! Time to be a hero and rescue some wine trapped in a bottle.”

“Friday: The beginning of my liver’s workweek.”

“Friday: The beginning of my liver’s workweek.”

“Friday: The day when dreams become weekend plans.”

“Keep calm and pretend it’s not Friday. Said no one ever!”

“Keep calm and pretend it’s not Friday. Said no one ever!”

Funny Friday Quotes And Images, Wishes, and Messages

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